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Welcome, once again, to another great release of Twilight!
There are still two versions of the Windows menu, a 32-bit version for
Windows 95/NT (MENU95.EXE) and a 16-bit version for Windows 3.x (MENU311.EXE).
Anybody still using 3.x? Otherwise we would be glad to get rid of it.
We hope you'll all enjoy this great collection of software!
The Wares
To be able to fit as many games as possible on two CD's, we have compressed
nearly all games; Most of them are already big enough! Fortunately, uncompressing
these games is extremely easy from the Twilight menu. Just select the drive where
you want it to go and click Install. And the game of your choice is uncompressed,
a shortcut created (if you want) in the "Twilight" group and you're ready to go.
As for applications, we try put on as many as possible uncompressed for easy
installation. Practically every application has its own setup/installation-utility,
Installation can be performed directly from the menu for all those applications
that are not compressed. In those cases clicking the Install button will directly
start the setup/installation-utility from the menu. For most applications that do
not have a setup program a shortcut can be created, also in the "Twilight" group.
Note: to make it easy for you to catalogue, print or whatever a file LIST.TXT
is included in the Menu directory. In this file you will find the
the games and applications that are on the CD.
A beta-version of a game or application is a rare thing on Twilight. However,
sometimes we decide to put one on; We keep the following rules in mind deciding
whether to do so or not:
- The program should have an extreme appeal to a lot of people,
i.e. newsgroups are already being created on the Internet;
- It's stable (we test it as accurately as possible);
- The full version is scheduled for release sometime near the End
Of Time.
The Various section
When compiling these CDs, we come across a lot of files which were not suitable
for inclusion in the main list. However, we figured that these files might be of
interest to many people since these usually include trainers, cracks, fixes, solves,
docs,utilities and usefull things. We selected the most interesting files and put them
together in the Various-directory of the CDs. Please note though, that we did NOT
check any of these files (except those that are mentioned in the Release Info,
games and apps descriptions)! A list of all files in the Various-directory with a
short description (in most cases just the full name of the program) can be viewed
by selecting the various tab in the menu. You can extract the file to a directory
of your choice by clicking the install button, after which a directory selectbox
will pop-up. Use to explore button if you want to know more about a particular various
entry (make sure you have WinZip or something alike installed).
The various list contains the names of the programs instead of the zip files
for easier browsing, if you need it the name of the ZIP file is displayed in
the description box.
Note: the various directory also contains a file VARIOUS.LST which you can use
for your easy reference, printing or whatever.
The Twilight Installer/Menu
The Twilight Installer enables you to easily select and unpack a program. Some
of its features are:
- Online Help-Service (you're reading it)
- Screenshot-viewing
- Auto-checking for free diskspace
- Paste&Copy serial numbers
- View contents of previous releases
- Install programs from previous releases
- View screenshots from previous releases
- Create shortcuts in the Start Menu!
- Explore directories and files using your own favorite viewer
- Set your own preferences
When you have selected a program you want to install click on the install button.
If it is program that is packed it will be extracted to drive you selected using
the drive selector which will also indicate if you have enough free space on that
drive. When you selected a program that is not packed on the CD then the apropriate
setup program will be launched. In some cases you have to extract to a directory
that is specific to your system, you then will be prompted with a directory selector.
When you browse through the list the screenshots will automatically appear. If a
title has more than one screenshot you can view them using the "Cycle" button.
By clicking on the numbers in that are in the upper graphics box you can
view the contents of previous releases.
Some (mostly windows applications) require you to fill in a serial number during
or after installation. If so then the serial number is included in the description
of the program. Use you're mouse to select it and then press Ctrl-C to copy it into
the clipboard buffer. When prompted for the serial number make sure the cursor is
active in the right box and press Ctrl-V to paste the number from the clipboard.
This will save you remembering or writing down the serial number.
If you want to take a look at the contents of a directory or zipfile first
before installing. Or if you need to copy some crack or something directly
from the CD you can press the Explore button. In case the selected program
resides in its own directory an explorer window containing that directory will
be opned. If the program resides in a ZIP file the program that YOU have
associated with zipfiles will be started (eg. WinZip). This is also a very
handy method to get more information on the programs in the Various section.
You can set preferences by right-clicking anywhere on the menu. There you can
adjust the default drive that is used for installation eg. if you always install
to drive D, set it to D and you will never have to touch the drive box again!
Change shortcut creation, options are Ask (default), Never and Always.
Not Enough Free Diskspace?
The installer will automatically check if there's enough free diskspace on the
selected harddisk. If a program that is unpacked needs additional installation then
the required size that is indicated is that of the -intermediate- files, not the
final installation, so you will always have enough space to unpack (before this was
the other way around). Games that use an intermediate installation will in some cases
need about the same amount for final installation and the intermediate one, in other
cases the intermediate installation will still be used as the "Original" CD.
Applications that are installed using their custom installation-program quite often
offer a variety of different installation-options the size that is indicated is the
size that is required for a Typical, Default or common installation. For an application
that is stored in compressed format on the CD the size of the decompressed/intermediate
installation is indacated (same as with the games). Required diskspace is indicated
for uncompressed drives which are at least 1 Gig in size, for compressed drives and
smaller ones (less slack space due to clustering) needed space will be less.
Twilight Easy Installation
We try to keep it as simple as possible for you to use/install programs. Some programs
do however need a special instalation procedure or serial numbers etc. We provide
information about serial numbers, special install instructions etc. in the description
of the program in the menu, PLEASE DO READ IT! (and read it through to the BOTTOM, there
Software Testing
We tested ALL programs on a couple of different systems with totally different
configurations (CPU, Memory, Network, Harddisk, OS, etc.). We have found all programs
to work perfectly, but it is possible that you run into trouble. If you do, please
read the Troubleshooting-section later on. There are millions of different PCs out
there... Some people told us that they couldn't get certain games to work. Once again
we say that all games work on our machines. So if a game doesn't run, first read any
the complete description of the program in the menu (you might have overlooked some
special install instructions) next check for a DOCS&NFOTL.TXT to see if there are hints
for installing and running a program. If the Troubleshooting-section didn't help either,
then it's probably not our fault but the programmers of the game's problem! Some people
are still forgetting to read all the information we provide, please read it before you
decide a game doesn't run. If you did find something that is our fault or up to us to
fix, just let us know (
Operating System indication
With each game or application the OS it runs on is given. Below an explanation
of the types used (they are pretty self explanatory though):
- DOS, this is a native DOS program. It is possible that it will run in a DOS
box under Windows on your system. What it says is that we encountered
problems running this program under Windows with at least one of the
machines we tested on.
- Win95, this is a Windows program that will run in Windows 95, don't bother
trying this if you're still using Windows 3.x.
Though not indicated this program will most likely run in Windows NT,
this is however not tested.
- DOS/Win95, this is either a dual program, ie two versions a supplied one for
each OS or it is a DOS based program that will run in a Windows DOS box.
- Win95/NT, will run on both, 95 and NT.
- Windows, program that will run on Windows 3.x and Windows 95.
- Win311, nah, you won't find any of these on Twilight.
Virus Checking
We have performed virus-checking with the latest versions of:
- Thunderbyte Anti-Virus (TBAV);
- McAfee Scan;
- F-Prot;
- Dr Solomon's Toolkit.
This CD is 100% free of any known viruses; It's absolutely impossible for any known
virus to make it through to the final version of the CD! As stated above, we scan with
the latest versions of the best virus-scanners; Only if all scanners are unable to
detect a certain virus, we're defenseless. Since we also use heuristic scanning, that's
not very likely to happen.
Got A Problem?!
This section is intended as a trouble-shooting guide; It tries to give you some
advice if you cannot get a program to work.
- Your joystick can't be calibrated. A lot of windows games don't have the
of calibrating your joystick. This has to be done from the Windows control
panel. Select Setting->Control Panel from the Windows Start menu and double
click Joystick and then calibrate it.
- The game you're trying to run needs DirectX, it's on the CD install it.
- Some games require "Z" technology, ie your Z drive has to be
available for SUBSTing. Put LASTDRIVE=Z in your CONFIG.SYS to fix this.
Make sure SUBST.EXE is in your path (eg. your DOS-directory).
- Trying to run a program which requires 16 MB of memory when you've
only got 8 doesn't make sense.
- If you're low on diskspace, try removing some files. Some
programs require some free diskspace to fiddle around with.
- Try increasing the FILES= statement in your CONFIG.SYS.
- Remove SMARTDrive, (when running DOS mode).
- Put the WINDOWS-directory (and WINDOWSCOMMAND) in your path.
- Try using many different startup-files (CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT)!
Here are some suggestions:
- Change memory-managers. Change QEMM to EMM386 and vice versa.
(or better yet, remove them! as modern software will easily
run without them)
- Use only HIMEM.SYS.
- Try using no startup-files at all (clean boot). To do this,
push Left-Shift at bootup.
- Remove all TSRs from your startup-files (or at least the ones
you don't really need). Quite often they cause a conflict.
- If a network is not required, disable it.
- Remember to setup your soundcard properly! If you get it wrong,
it might just crash your machine. Many sound-setup programs offer
some sort of auto-detection; However, if this process crashes your
machine you have to set the parameters manually.
- Some DOS games moan something about VESA 2.0 or a linear-frame buffer
if your video card is not up to it try installing a software VESA
driver, like Scitech Display Doctor, it may also boost your game
performance under DOS.
- If a Windows game won't run try using a diffent resolution/color depth
numerous Windows games insist on having a 256 color display,
no more, no less.
- Get the latest drivers for your hardware, especially your
video and audio card. Mostly found on their manufacturors Web site.
- Make sure your DirectX is working properly.
- If some cracked game complains about needing the CD, check if there
is a CD-Rom in your CD drive, if so remove it and try again. If not
put one in and try again! If this still doesn't help it might require
MSCDEX to be loaded and it isn't.
Twilight Copyleft
Be aware of cheap imitations! Only the real Twilight brings you the
real quality you're used to get from us, and at the price you payed for
all these wonderful programs, it's an absolute givaway.
Thanks N' Greets
We hope you will enjoy this second double release of Twilight! Keep us
informed:, we will keep you informed:
Till next time, and be sure that you get it because you will receive a FREE
Twilight-mega-poster with our Christmas release, so don't delay order now!
Until then: Bye bye, and watch out that you leave Excalibur in one piece
or you might end up playing Broken Sword 3.
Signed: The Twilight Crew
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Release 17
- Age of Empires
- Andretti Racing ’98
- Battle Arena Toshinden 2
- Broken Sword 2
- Chasm: The Rift
- Excalibur 2555 AD
- Holiday Island
- Incubation – Battle Isle Phase 4
- Int. Rally Championship
- Jedi Knight
- KKND Extreme
- Need for Speed 2 SE
- Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee
- Panzer General 2
- Pax Imperia 2: Eminent Domain
- Postal
- Red Alert: Aftermath
- Sid Meier’s Gettysburg
- Sky Target
- Sonic: Flickies’ Island
- Streets of Sim City
- Take No Prisoners
- Tone Rebellion
- Total Annihilation Addon
- Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
- Uprising
- Zero Divide
- DirectX 5 (dutch & english)
- Audio Architect 3.0
- CuteFTP 2.0
- Dr. Solomon Antivirus 7.75 DOS
- Dr. Solomon Antivirus 7.75 Win95
- Drag and File Gold 4.12
- Drive Image Enterprise Edition
- EasyCD Audio
- Microsoft Frontpage 98
- Microsoft Picture It 2.0
- Nuts & Bolts 1.03
- OmniPage Pro 8
- PC Doctor 2
- Rational Rose/C++ 4.0.5
- Ray Dream 3D 5.0.1
- Saw Plus 32 2.1
- SoftIce 3.2
- Ulead Cool 3D
- Visual Cafe Prof. Edition 2
- WinFAX Pro 8
- Word Point
- Zip It 4.0
[Various Disk 1]
- GRSBBG12.ZIP – BlackBoard Grep32 v1.2 (c) BlackBoard [X/1]
- CHTPCK08.ZIP – ChEaTeR PaCk No. 8 (c) BrAb:)
- INNHE94.ZIP – Help Express 0.94 (c) Sander Merwe [xx/01] |
- RVHY306.ZIP – HyperSnap DX 3.06 FINAL w95/NT:x/1
- GRSIEP40.ZIP – IconEdit Pro v4.0 for Win95/NT [XX/01]
- CR-PL223.ZIP – Photo Line v2.23 *CRACKED*
- GRSPSY36.ZIP – Psychedelic v3.6 (c) Synthesoft [XX/01]
- PDMSTRNF.ZIP – Shadows of the Empire Trainer +10 1
- PDMSETRN.ZIP – Shadows of the Empire Trainer +10 2
- GPF-SPEX.ZIP – Space Explorer v4.0 for Win95/NT *cracked*Û
- UCFQOOL2.ZIP – WINQOOLE v2.0 Quake Level Editor for Windows 95 and NT
- RBSWARJ.ZIP – WinArj V4.1.0.2 *CRACKED*
[Various Disk 2]
- RBS-AS12.ZIP – Associate v1.2 *registered*
- RA-AW431.ZIP – Awave v4.31 cracked
- EXCLI10.ZIP – Clip it *Fixed* For Windows95 [01/01]
- COALCFT.ZIP – Cumberland Family Tree for Win95 v2.23x
- COALEMFR.ZIP – Encrypted Magic Folders v97.09a [1/1]
- PWABTPSW.ZIP – FX BigTime 32 PlugIn for SAW [01/01]
- PWADTPSW.ZIP – FX Dither 32 PlugIn for SAW [01/01]
- RA-MQ102.ZIP – Multiquence v1.02 cracked
- TPACK.ZIP – Perfect Grand Prix Track Pack & Game Editor for GP2
- CR-ROC13.ZIP – RoundClock V1.3 *REGGED*
- DNE-DR21.ZIP – Shortcut Doctor v2.1 crack by Sucker of Dune.
- M8SPED.ZIP – Speednet v1.0 for Win95 by InFeCtEd
- NCIOI103.ZIP – The Other Internet Package v1.03
- M8WINDAC.ZIP – WinDAC 32 1.31

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